SOR Motorsport is a sports association that organizes karting competitions and other activities in the field of karting and motorsport. Through its activities, SOR works on promoting motorsport in Serbia.
The association was founded in 2012 under the name "SERBIA OFF ROAD". It emerged from entertainment and a passion for racing. These two things are still the main borders of SOR, however, a whole new world has been created within those boundaries.
SOR is several hundred people who have hidden shaky hands after leaving karting all these years, several hundred of those who, with a smile on their face, raced with all their might, defeating themselves and others, respecting the rules of our racing flags.
SOR is several hundred people who have shown with their dedication that everything is possible if the essence is true.
The essence of SOR is racing, really good racing. That's why we're here.
If SOR had a declaration, it would state that it
is for ages 9 to 99. SOR races are driven by schoolchildren, college students, employed individuals with and without children, people experiencing a midlife crisis, retirees, and non-retired grandfathers. SOR is the carpenter from Karaburma, the high school student from Pančevo, the actor from the commercial, the programmer in red, the fast diesel with a soft heart, the world's best grandpa, the witty painter, the only Serbian who has driven in F1, and many others we are proud of. SOR is for everyone, but not exactly for everyone.
From a sports perspective, over the years, SOR has brought together many successful and unsuccessful but promising racers. SOR members have competed in the finals of the World Rental Karting Championship, participate in domestic and regional professional karting, rally, circuit, and hill climb races, and they set records in racing simulations.
Mašinka zaljubljena u Charles Leclerc-a. Baš, baš voli kafu i trke. Ne znamo da li čita brzo, ali znamo da priča brže od prosečnog homosapijensa.
Važio je za jednog od najperspektivnijih SOR-ovih trkača. I dalje je, samo je na pauzi. Umetničko ime mu je Svetlina, najbrži je SIM trkač kog poznajemo.
Ponosni, mladi vlasnik BMW-a 320d. Ljubitelj svega pravog bavarskog. Čak i kifle. Voli mehaniku, a jednog dana će biti isto što i Alimpić.
Veliki poštovalac auto-moto sporta i dežurni zabavljač. Izuzetno sposoban lik koji voli da pomogne. Tvrdi da će jednog dana imati Peugeot 106 Rallye.
Mašinac zaljubljen u plovila. Projektovao je i izrađivao oslanjanje za srpsku Formulu Student i čovek stvarno može da se osloni na njega. Stvarno.
Car koji je pravio i održava čitav SOR-ov sistem za žrebanje, računanje rezultata i tako to. Višestruki šampion Srbije u automobilizmu. Vozio reli ej!
Ja pišem sve ovo pa mi glupo da pričam o sebi. Ko me poznaje, zna. Hvala SOR-e!
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Đorđe Simić, one of the founders of SOR, is the first Serbian to have driven a Formula 1 car, specifically the championship-winning car from 2008 in which Lewis Hamilton secured the title. Before reaching the top spot in the unique competition "Johnnie Walker's global Drive of a Lifetime", Simić, along with 19 other participants from around the world, underwent various preparations, tests, and meetings at the Silverstone circuit, where he briefly experienced what a day in the life of a Formula 1 driver looks like. Afterward, the finalists demonstrated their skills by driving different racing vehicles, but only Simić was chosen to drive a Formula 1 car, thus becoming the first Serbian to do so. Đorđe is one of the main reasons for the existence of SOR. He is an organizer, judge, driving force, and source of energy for all participants of SOR since its establishment.